In the interest of “artists’ health and welfare,” Snowflake founders David and Bevin Early will create a four day-long fitness training center in The Front Room. Featuring a treadmill and exercise bikes, jump-ropes, free-weights, exercise mats and looping, aerobic workout videos, the gallery hosts a series of short “artists’ workouts,” where members of the St. Louis arts community can gather together to promote and participate in artistic well-being. Attention is given to “the phenomenon of poor physical health among artists and the absence of statistics and research of artists as a collective group.” Area artists and gallery-goers can use the equipment in accordance with a specific “Snowflake” training regimen and will receive complimentary “Snowflake Cares” head and wristbands. A “Snowflake Cares” special event will test the physical fitness and strength of artists in a contest format.