Transform Your Hood

Transform Your Hood is a multifaceted, nonpartisan campaign that aims to activate how we creatively express our values through civic engagement. Residents of the St. Louis region are invited to take time and space to consider what matters most, and how to use their voice and action to shape these issues. Hosted in partnership with Speak Up St. Louis, Transform314, and CAM, this interactive exhibition is consisting of four components:

  • providing space for visitors to share their voice
  • offering accessible information about city, state, and federal positions up for election
  • a series of offsite pop-up events to share voter registration materials and invite students to participate in a poster competition
  • a town-hall style event and celebration held at CAM on Friday, August 2, 5:00-9:00 pm.

There is power in collectivity—we invite you to be a part of Transform your Hood and add your voice to the shaping of our city.

Voting Resources:

Transform Your Hood is organized in partnership with Speak Up St. Louis’s Quinton Ward, Designer and Co-Founder/Host; Transform314’s Kelly McGowan, Founder and Executive Director, and Stephon “Phonzz” White, Designer; and Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis’s Michelle Dezember, Director of Learning and Engagement, and Miriam Ruiz, Education Manager.


Audio Guide