Olga Chernysheva, R.H. Quaytman, and Josephine Pryde

New York-based artist R.H. Quaytman considers her painting practice like a book, where paintings develop as chapters while retaining their autonomy as individual objects. In The Front Room, Quaytman presents a selection of the smallest versions of these paintings which she titles Captions. Operating somewhere between photographic record and painterly surface, her ambiguous images merge abstraction, history, and perception into a network of visual ciphers.

London and Berlin-based artist Josephine Pryde makes photographs and sculptures using techniques she invents, using a variety of sources. In The Front Room, Pryde presents new work created for a photography exhibition in New York earlier this year made of photographs wrapped around aluminum tubes.

In her series of black and white transparencies, From the Deputy, Moscow-based artist Olga Chernysheva captured a municipal public art project in Russia in various stages of decay, vandalism, and erasure—presenting tensions between social policy and artistic practice.


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