I Remember Heaven

Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol

I Remember Heaven: Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol explores shared affinities in the work of Andy Warhol (1928–1987) and Jim Hodges (b. 1957), preeminent artists of their respective generations. Over 60 works will be featured in a series of dynamic installations that juxtapose both artists’ works in order to explore the American social fabric since the 1960s. This cross-generational exhibition looks at the work of Hodges and Warhol within a continuum of art production that finds history in everyday artifacts and uses aesthetic representation as a means to understand visibility/invisibility, sexuality, selfhood, love, beauty, and death.

I Remember Heaven is organized for the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis by Susan E. Cahan, art historian, independent curator, and Des Lee Professor in Contemporary Art at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.


Audio Guide