Christopher Orr, J. Parker Valentine, and Rezi van Lankveld

Scottish-born, London-based artist Christopher Orr’s meticulously painted pictures are derived entirely from extant media: vintage magazines, Ladybird storybooks, science textbooks, Old Master paintings, newspaper articles, and found slides. Testing the objectivity of scientific depictions, photographs, diagrams, and paintings, his eclectic style and content combine competing perspectives of different histories.

New York-based artist J. Parker Valentine works on paper and rough MDF panels, making bold gesture drawings with chunks of graphite, oil pastel, and ink. Interested in the relationships between media, architecture as psychological space, and man’s physical, gravitational connection to the earth, Valentine’s additive process reveals dynamic and often violent abstractions, as well as feral and animal forms.

Amsterdam-based artist Rezi van Lankveld often works wet-on-wet and pours paint onto laid board or paper, allowing the suggestive nature of the pools of paint to lead her towards an image. Emotionally charged scenes and figures emerge from droplets and swirled marbled paint, whose figures and muted palette nod at nineteenth century Dutch painting and hint at humor, violence, and sexuality.


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