Yowshien Kuo in his studio. Photo: Abby Gillardi.
Yowshien Kuo in his studio. Photo: Abby Gillardi.

St. Louis Artists

CAM connects local artists to the St. Louis community through such dynamic exhibition opportunities as the Great Rivers Biennial and as the annual Teen Museum Studies selected artist. We also hire a lineup of Resident Teaching Artists to lead such signature programs as ArtReach in St. Louis Public Schools and our studio art programs for young people: New Art in the Neighborhood and LEAP Middle School Initiative.

Resident Teaching Artists

Each year, CAM hires Resident Teaching Artists to lead our ArtReach in-school programs and teen studio programs at the Museum (LEAP and NAN). RTAs meet regularly to form a community of practice that includes skill sharing and professional development.

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<em>Great Rivers Biennial 2024: Saj Issa, Basil Kincaid, Ronald Young</em>, installation view, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, September 6, 2024–February 9, 2025. Photo: Izaiah Johnson.

Great Rivers Biennial

Established in 2003, the Great Rivers Biennial is a collaborative exhibition program presented by CAM and the Gateway Foundation. The initiative identifies talented emerging and mid-career artists working in the greater St. Louis metro area, provides them with financial assistance, and elevates their profile across the Midwest and national art communities.

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<em>Yowshien Kuo: Western Venom</em>, installation view, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, September 11, 2020–February 21, 2021. Photo: Dusty Kessler.

Teen Museum Studies Exhibition Opportunity

Each summer, CAM seeks proposals from local artists for an exhibition in CAM’s Education Galleries. The artist selected receives a $1000 stipend, with the exhibition organized by students in CAM’s Teen Museum Studies program.

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