Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis announces 2018 exhibitions
Jan 30, 2018
CAM announces its 2018 exhibition program.
CAM announces its 2018 exhibition program.
DRIVE, CAM’s 2018 Gala, sports a racing theme to benefit contemporary art and art education
Salvatore Scarpitta: Racing Cars presents a major overview of the late American artist’s racing-themed artwork—drawings, paintings, collages—as well as the largest number of his race cars ever assembled in the U.S.
Trenton Doyle Hancock: The Re-Evolving Door to the Moundverse features recurring superheroes and diabolical villains, an ever-evolving array of cosmic mythologies, and outrageous conflicts of biblical and operatic proportions.
Artist Tim Youd retypes books by St. Louis authors in a series of durational performances at CAM and throughout the metro region.
CAM announces Alexis Cossé as Chair of its 2017–18 Board of Directors. She joins Phyllis Langsdorf and Jacob W. Reby as Officers of the Board.
CAM Introduces After-Hours Party Series - Art Up Late Series premieres with costume party inspired by exhibition Mickalene Thomas
CAM PRESENTS OPEN STUDIOS STL More than 140 local artists open their work spaces to the public.
CAM awarded $20,000 Dana Brown Charitable Trust grant in support of ArtReach and LEAP youth education programs
The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (CAM) and Gateway Foundation announce the three artists selected for the eighth Great Rivers Biennial Arts Award Program 2018: Addoley Dzegede, Sarah Paulsen, and Jacob Stanley.